Did you REALLY just say yes again?

Join us for a…
Ditch the Ditty
Foundations Workshop!

Ditch the habits that make you say yes to unwanted tasks and asks.

Connect with other women and learn to: 

Ditch the Stress

Ditch the Shoulds

Ditch the
People Pleasing

What’s a Ditty? 

A Ditty represents all of those things we as women say “yes” to even though we don’t want or have to, but we do them anyway to be polite, please others, or because we feel we should. 

Why Ditch?

Life’s too short for endless “yeses.” Time doesn’t stretch to fit them all, and as the Ditties pile up, so does our exhaustion. Ditching the unnecessary lets us reclaim our time for what truly matters.

Join us and Explore how to: 

  • Strengthen your decision-making superpowers by identifying the different types of choices you face daily.

  • Interrupt the habitual “yes” that comes from our people-pleasing, self-doubt, and perfectionistic tendencies. 

  • Master the art of delivering a “no” to fit any situation. 

  • Uncover your priorities and learn how to channel energy into what truly matters so you can say “yes” with clarity and purpose.

Foundations Workshop Details:

  • Four 90-minute interactive virtual sessions held on Zoom

  • Each season includes a mix of presentation, facilitated discussion, break-out dialogues, and hands-on practice. 

  • Exercises from our upcoming new book to try on your own.

Limited spots available.

“Within one week of participating in this workshop I was able to apply the framework to clarify priorities and free myself from obligations that were murky. In doing so, my vitality for the work I am choosing to do increased.”


Who will you be ditching with?

Led by the founding thought-leaders of Ditch the Ditty, Lindsey Godwin, Molly McGuigan, and Miriam Novotny, each session features their combined 6 decades of expertise in individual and organizational change. And they don't just talk the talk; they walk the walk, actively researching and applying their insights to ditch Ditties in their own lives everyday!

Lindsey Godwin

Creative Possibilitizer.
Generative Question Architect.

Lindsey brings an infectious creativity and innovative spirit to everything she does, inspiring those around her to imagine new possibilities and better tomorrows.

Miriam Novotny

Change Catalyst.
Coach & Clarity Crusader.

Miriam infuses her work with an open heart and genuine spirit of curiosity, creating an atmosphere where new horizons unfold and a clear path forward emerges.

Molly McGuigan

Super Connector.
Positive Change Partner.

Molly is an entrepreneurial spirit and notorious networker who leverages her strengths to help people connect with each other in meaningful ways.